22 Apr 2014
Avoid Absence by Staying Healthy and Well
If you are the only qualified optician working in your practise, then falling ill or having an accident can be incredibly disruptive to your business.
In the eventuality that you are left unable to work then it is likely that you will need the services of a Locum, which can be incredibly costly to your business. For this reason you may wish to consider Locum insurance for temporary illnesses or disability through injury, which allows you to defray the cost of employing a locum whilst you are away from the practise.
We believe that prevention is the key, so we bring you some top tips to ensure your safety and reduce your risk of absence work.
- Holidays – It is a health and safety requirement that workers take at least four weeks off work per year.
- Take responsibility – You have a responsibility for your own health and safety. Reduce any risky behaviour and promote good health practises instead.
- Get ample sleep – Adults need 7-9 hours of a sleep every night. Lack of sleep can contribute to depression, and increased risk of diabetes, heart problems and obesity.
- Be proactive – If you have any worries about your health, ensure you are seen and treated as soon as possible. Leaving a condition to worsen is likely to impact negatively on your practise and its employees.
- Healthy living – Healthy employees are less likely to be involved in an accident, and able to cover quicker from illness. Incorporate healthy eating and fitness into your workplace.
- Jabs & injections – Flu vaccination will greatly reduce your chance of getting seasonal flu, and reduce your risk of developing serious complications as a result.
- Social events – Social events and team bonding create a healthy environment, helping to reduce stress levels and give employees a well needed break from the workplace.
- Keep fit – Regular exercise is a great way to ensure you stay fit and healthy all year round.
Follow our tips and you and your practise should benefit. Minimising your risk of absence will minimise the adverse effects that this can have on staff and the service you offer to your clients.
Of course not every risk can be avoided, and there is no foolproof way of preventing injury or illness. Infocus Opticians Insurance provides you with the peace of mind you need should you find yourself facing the prospect of being unable to work. Get in touch today to discuss your options.
In the unfortunate event that you find yourself facing long term or permanent injuries or sicknesses (over 12 months duration) you may not be covered after the expiry of the Locum cover. Permanent Health insurance would need to be considered to cover longer-term periods of disability.