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Wrap Up Your Patient Data This Winter

Patient Data on mobile devices such as Laptops are often the most vulnerable when on the move. Taken out of the relatively safe environment of your business premises your mobile devices and the data held within are at greater risk of loss, damage or perhaps worse, Theft.

It is a popular pastime bashing large organisations for losing peoples private data, with Talk Talk the latest in a long list of big media victims. Well below the national media radar is similar losses suffered by small businesses such as a local independent Optician’s Practice.

That doesn’t mean the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) is not interested. They can be just as hard on the High Street Optician as the National Chain.

If your patients are exposed to Identity Theft or Fraud and the cause is you losing their data then your patients will start to complain and the ICO will take action. That can take the form of fines or meeting the cost of monitoring customer records.

Encrypting the Hard Drive of a Laptop is surprisingly cheap and much safer than simple passwords on operating systems which are designed to be bypassed and reset.

Along with long and strong passwords Encryption is for the moment the most secure way of securely wrapping up your Patient Data.

Written by: admin